new machine learning package for Microsoft R Server

MicrosoftML (MML) is a new machine learning package for Microsoft R Server. Microsoft R Server brings you the ability to do parallel and chunked data processing that addresses the restrictions of in-memory open source R. MML adds Microsoft's battle-tested algorithms and data transforms that are used by product teams across Microsoft. This brings new machine learning functionality with increased speed, performance and scale, especially for handling a large corpus of text data and high-dimensional categorical data.

MML includes the ability to:

Create text classification models for problems such as sentiment analysis and support ticket classification.
Train deep neural nets in order to solve complex problems such as retail image classification and handwriting analysis.
Work with high-dimensional data for scenarios like online advertising click-through prediction.
Solve many other common machine learning tasks such as churn prediction, loan risk analysis, and demand forecasting using state-or-the-art, fast and accurate algorithms.
Integrate with SQL Server to easily pull data from SQL and train in R and use your trained model inside SQL.
In this webinar, we will describe the machine learning capabilities in Microsoft R Server and show several demos of how you can begin using it today!


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