You Have A Data Lake, Now What?
You have a data lake and you’re worried about drowning in it. This talk will address solutions and process for using what data you’ve collected effectively with your team and the rest of the organization. Practical and hands-on lessons covering the glamorous and not-so-glamorous next steps.
You’ve collected a ton of data and it’s just sitting there. You want to use it but where do you start? This talk will give you map so you can navigate your unique situation by asking and answering questions such as: What kind of data do you have and why does it matter? What things will come back to bite you if you don’t consider them up-front? What does collaboration that rocks look like? What problems will you run into and what strategies are useful for troubleshooting them? How do you choose what to do first? Why is interdisciplinarity important? Once it works, how do you automate it
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